Technical Analysis vs Fundamental Analysis


For many new traders, one of the most common question I get is regarding the method of analysis to use, and it usually boils down to technical analysis vs fundamental analysis.

TA vs FA infographic

Technical Analysis (TA) gives you a fast and simple way to scan through data, find good opportunities, and make a trading decision.

Fundamental Analysis (FA) helps you understand the big picture and why prices are moving in certain ways.

Personally, I find that the best approach is to combine them to get the best of both worlds.


thumbnail beginner guide to trading and TA

If you would like to learn how to get started in trading, also check out: “The Beginner’s Guide to Trading & Technical Analysis”


2018 08 25 10.32.58

SMART Expo 2018

Tomorrow, I have been invited to speak at the “SMART Investment & International Property Expo” in Singapore, and I will be sharing some of the new initiatives that I have been working on.

  • Date: 22 September 2018
  • Venue: Hall A, Sands Expo & Convention Centre, MBS Singapore
  • Speaking slot: 13:00pm to 13:45pm
  • Topic: Trading Strategies You Can Apply With 15 Minutes a Day

About the Event

SMART Investment & International Property Expo includes speakers and exhibitors from properties, investments and trading. With the key focus on property, it includes overseas property developments, luxury properties from top investment destinations, and many other opportunities in the current real estate market. In addition, it also features speakers from various investment fields, with over 20 educational seminars by guest speakers.


2018 09 17 15.11.29

Last Monday, I was invited by Money FM 89.3 to do a radio interview to share my trading journey and how I build up my portfolio from scratch to retire at 28, while trading & travelling to over 50 countries.


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Thanks for inviting me to do a radio interview! #sph #moneyfm893

A post shared by Spencer Li ?? Synapse Trading (@iamrecneps) on


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Had a great time sharing my trading journey on air. Hope to do it again soon! ? #sph #moneyfm893 #radiointerview

A post shared by Spencer Li ?? Synapse Trading (@iamrecneps) on

Thanks for the invitation, and I look forward to sharing again! 😀

traders fair

Traders Fair and Gala Night 2018

In October, I have been invited to speak at the “Traders Fair and Gala Night” in Singapore, and I will be sharing some of the new initiatives that I have been working on.

  • Date: 26 October 2018
  • Venue: Suntec Convention Centre
  • Speaking slot: Seminar Room 2, 11:40am to 12:20pm
  • Topic: Trading Strategies You Can Apply With 15 Minutes a Day

About the Event

Traders Fair & Gala Night Singapore organised by FINEXPO is expected to welcome over 50 speakers and 5000 attendees from all over the world, including exhibitor booths, lounges, bars, the Speaker Hall and Workshop rooms. This event will include not only large exhibition, panels and diversity of discussions, but also entertaining magic shows, lucky draws, fantastic prizes, live performances and huge Awards and Gala Night party.


telegram channel

Trading Signals & Market Analysis

We are excited to announce the launch of our new Telegram Channel to provide daily signals, and already there are 3000+ new subscribers who have joined us over the past 3 weeks.

It is completely free to join, and you will receive 3-5 daily updates directly to your mobile phone in real-time! Many have been making decent profits from the trade calls so far, and we are keeping it free to grow our base as fast as possible.

Trading Signals & Market Analysis 2

Check it out and join in 1 click:
(You will need to install the Telegram app which is also free.)

Wishing you all the best in your trading, and see you at the top!