A collection of our guest speaking, interviews, and other educational events.


Here is your last chance this year to master this set of exclusive skills open to only 80 selected traders each year!

What makes us different?

  • This is the only trading program which covers both stocks and forex (2-for-the-price-of-1)
  • This is the only course taught by a real professional trader, and catered for beginners
  • This teaches you not just a few simple tools from books, but instead a full 1-year comprehensive practical training
  • Learn how to have multiple sources of income from various markets with just 15 minutes a day, and continue to receive monthly passive income in up/down/flat markets
  • Experience real trades & real results: https://synapsetrading.com/testimonials/

Although we already filled up all slots quite a while back, one of the new registrants has requested to postpone his slot to the March intake next year, hence we have ONE new open slot which just opened up.

This is first-come, first-serve window of opportunity, and whoever completes full payment first will get this slot. In the case of a dispute, our decision will be final.

Good luck! 😀

2014 10 20 19.33.25

Last Monday, I conducted a free workshop, “The 7 Best-Kept Secrets of Professional Traders”, to share more about my professional trading journey, and why new traders cannot beat the market no matter how hard they try unless they learn the secrets that professionals are using.

It was a great full-house event, and I had to close registration early due to the limited venue capacity. My apologies to those who did not manage to register in time.

Due to overwhelming response, I will be organising another session next Saturday on 1st November 2014. Please register early to avoid disappointment!

See you there! 😀

2014-10-20 19.13.10

2014-10-20 19.32.30

2014-10-20 19.33.25

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Last week, I got invited to the NUS Invest Fiesta to share with students about my professional trading experience, and how they can pick up simple skills to start building their wealth from an early age.

It was a great full-house turnout, and once again a big thanks to NUS for the invitation!

Look forward to sharing more soon! 😀




SGX Singapore Exchange Market Access Night

Thank you for the invitation, and see you all there! 😀SGX (Singapore Exchange) Market Access Night

Last week, I was invited by ShareInvestor Academy to conduct a half-day skills training workshop at SPH to share how professional traders use candlestick patterns differently.

It was an awesome FULL HOUSE event, with participants from all walks of life, and they got 3 hours of intensive skills training, followed by some hands-on market case studies and market outlook.

Based on the heart-warming feedback we have received so far, we look forward to conducting another session in the future. If you know any friends or family who want to want to create a second source of income, do ask them to sign up for our mailing list so that they can receive priority updates for the next session!

A big thanks to ShareInvestor, SPH, Lim & Tan, our wonderful Synapse Network Team, and everyone who helped make this event a success! 🙂

P.S.  For those who were asking whether we had a full training program, you can check out more details here: https://synapsetrading.com/events/the-synapse-program/

SPH Event Oct 2014 (1)

SPH Event Oct 2014 (3)

SPH Event Oct 2014 (29)

SPH Event Oct 2014 (31)

SPH Event Oct 2014 (33)