A collection of our guest speaking, interviews, and other educational events.

Last week, I was invited by ShareInvestor Academy to conduct a half-day skills training workshop at SPH to share some of his professional trading skills and experience.

It was an awesome FULL HOUSE event, with 60+ participants from all walks of life, and they got 3 hours of intensive skills training, followed by some hands-on market case studies and market outlook.

Based on the heart-warming feedback we have received so far, we look forward to conducting another session in the future. If you know any friends or family who want to pick up some real trading skills used by professional traders, do ask them to sign up for our mailing list so that they can receive priority updates for the next session!

A big thanks to ShareInvestor, SPH, Lim & Tan, our wonder Synapse Network Team, and everyone who helped make this event a success! 🙂

P.S.  For those who were asking whether we had a full training program, you can check out more details here: https://synapsetrading.com/the-synapse-program/

SPH Event 12 Apr 2014 (25)

SPH Event 12 Apr 2014 (13)

SPH Event 12 Apr 2014 (18)

SPH Event 12 Apr 2014 (16)

SPH Event 12 Apr 2014 (21)

SPH Event 12 Apr 2014 (2)

As promised, next we will be organising a free Market Outlook session which covers both stocks and forex, and this time it will be slightly different  as we will be holding it at Phillip Securities instead, so we have prepared something special! 🙂

Seats are very limited, so as usual first-come, first-serve!
Check availability: https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/special-event-phillip-securities-live-market-outlook-stock-picks-tickets-11275119185?ref=ecal

Recently, I got invited to train for ShareInvestor Academy and was featured in the Straits Times, the Business Times and MyPaper. I will be introducing some of the tools & skills used by professional traders.

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We are excited to announce that The Synapse Program May 2014 intake is open for registration!

As you know, we only open 20 selective slots each quarter, and for this intake, 10 of the 20 slots are already filled up by reservations from the last quarter. This means that there are only 10 seats up for grabs!

Seats are only confirmed upon full payment, and it’s first-come, first-serve! Best of luck, and may you be one of the lucky ones to join us this coming May!

For more details, check out https://synapsetrading.com/the-synapse-program/ 


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Recently, our founder, Spencer, got invited to train for ShareInvestor Academy and was featured in the Straits Times, the Business Times and MyPaper. He will be introducing some of the tools & skills used by professional traders. Those who are interested, the details can be found below.


shareinvestor talk

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Most trading courses end after one weekend or a few short sessions. For the Synapse Training Program, this is just the start of a life-changing journey.

We take special pride in our post-course support and training, providing a private network forum for daily tips and discussion, so that busy working professionals need only spend 30 minutes a day to see what to buy or sell.

In addition, we also have monthly hands-on market workshops, where we sit down as a group and analyse the markets together to look for good trading opportunities. This gives program graduates a great opportunity to practice their new skills, and learn to place trade with confidence.

Last time we checked, the next available slots are in May, and reservations for the May intake are already half-filled. https://synapsetrading.com/training/the-synapse-program/

Sign up early to avoid disappointment, and start working towards your early financial freedom!
See you at the top! 😀





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