
Personal Review of 2023 & Plans for 2024

As the sun sets on 2023, I find myself at a poignant crossroads, nearing midlife, where the urge for drastic changes gives way to a deeper appreciation for the gifts I already possess. In the words of Socrates, "The secret of change is…
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Birthday Reflections Upon Turning 37

As I greet another year of life, I find it fitting to reserve this day for introspection, gratitude, and projection. This ritual of quiet contemplation serves not just as a moment of pause, but also as an opportunity for recalibration. In…
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What is Epicureanism? (11 Practical Ways to Apply it in Your Life!)

Are you tired of constantly chasing after fleeting pleasures and material possessions, only to find yourself feeling unfulfilled and discontent? Epicureanism, an ancient philosophy founded by the Greek philosopher Epicurus, offers a different…
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What is Existentialism? (12 Practical Ways to Apply it in Your Life!)

Existentialism is a philosophical movement that has been gaining attention in recent years. It is a school of thought that emphasizes the individual's freedom and choice in creating their own meaning and purpose in life, as well as the…
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What is Stoicism? (13 Practical Ways to Apply it in Your Life!)

Stoicism is a philosophy that originated in ancient Greece and Rome that emphasizes the development of self-control and fortitude as a means of overcoming destructive emotions. It teaches that by accepting the present moment as it is,…